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Zitat des Moments

Hundebesitzer sind die rücksichtslosesten Menschen auf der Welt.

xkcd: AlphaMove

xkcd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Generic License.

xkcd image

It struggles a little with complex positions, like when there are an even number of moves and it has to round down, but when run against itself it's capable of finding some novelties. At one point I saw six knights on the board at once; Stockfish rarely exceeds four.

Explain xkcd

Dinosaur Comics

Dinosaur Comics image

In another universe, T-Rex says "This song is great! Perfection itself! No notes!" And with wonder and amazement in his eyes, John Cage looks to T-Rex and says "...Say that again."

Cyanide & Happiness

Cyanide & Happiness image

Poorly Drawn Lines -

Poorly Drawn Lines is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported.

Poorly Drawn Lines -

Euro Wechselkurs

WährungDatumpro EuroKehrwert
Schweizer Franken (CHF)2025-01-311 € = 0.94490 Fr.1.05831 € = 1 Fr.
Britisches Pfund Sterling (GBP)2025-01-311 € = 0.83608 £1.19606 € = 1 £
Japanischer Yen (JPY)2025-01-311 € = 160.99000 ¥0.00621 € = 1 ¥
Schwedische Krone (SEK)2025-01-311 € = 11.47400 kr0.08715 € = 1 kr
US-Dollar (USD)2025-01-311 € = 1.03930 $0.96219 € = 1 $