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AlleMit DVD

Iron ButterflyIn-A-Gadda-Da-Vida196810600:36:072m197, 2m198
Amon Düül IIPhallus Dei196910500:41:412m9, 2m10
Roger Waters
Ron Geesin
Music from the Body1970102200:41:282m240, 2m242
Iron ButterflyLive197010600:38:522m199, 2m200
Canned Heat
John Lee Hooker
The Best of Canned Heat & John Lee Hooker1970101000:55:582m137, 2m138
Amon Düül IITanz der Lemminge197110601:08:472m11, 2m12
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartDie Zauberflöte (Highlights)1972101701:01:452m93, 2m94
Amon Düül IIWolf City197310700:34:422m15, 2m16
Amon Düül IIUtopia1973101401:04:572m17, 2m18
Amon Düül IIVive La Trance1974101100:44:372m19, 2m20
Amon Düül IILemmingmania1975101100:58:352m13, 2m14
Leonard CohenThe Best of Leonard Cohen1975101200:46:502m171, 2m172
Verschiedene InterpretenEasy Rider1976101000:37:402m67, 2m68
David GilmourDavid Gilmour197810900:46:182m233, 2m234, 7m159, 7m160
Richard WrightWet Dream1978101000:43:502m229, 2m230