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AlleMit DVD

The BeatlesRubber Soul1965101400:35:394m71, 4m72
The BeatlesRevolver1966101400:35:004m73, 4m74
The BeatlesAbbey Road1969101700:45:164m16, 4m18
Van MorrisonMoondance1970101000:39:164m243, 4m244
Simon & GarfunkelBridge over Troubled Water1970101100:37:254m189, 4m190
The BeatlesLet It Be1970101200:35:044m75, 4m76
Van MorrisonHis Band and the Street Choir1970101200:42:194m241, 4m242
Jethro TullAqualung1971101701:15:184m3, 4m4
Pink FloydLive in Montreux 1971197120601:51:464m5, 4m6, 4m7
Monty PythonAnother Monty Python CD197110200:53:484m199, 4m200
GenesisThe Lamb Lies Down on Broadway1974202301:34:274m41, 4m43, 4m44
Monty PythonMonty Python Live at Drury Lane1974102201:01:514m201, 4m202
Pink FloydSteel Breeze1975201702:17:134m105, 4m107, 4m108
Monty PythonThe Holy Grail197510200:47:124m193, 4m194
Dire StraitsLive at the BBC197810800:46:044m217, 4m218