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AlleMit DVD

Godspeed You! Black EmperorYanqui U.X.O.200210501:14:588m35
AudioslaveAudioslave2002101401:05:267m32, 7m34
Lisa LoebCake and Pie2002101200:42:415m227, 5m228
MúmFinally We Are No One2002101100:56:145m208
Rolfe KentAbout Schmidt2002102301:02:545m175
Crash Test DummiesI Don't Care That You Don't Mind2001101400:46:509m149, 9m150
Verschiedene InterpretenInsideOut Sampler 20012001101401:18:075m239
Pink FloydEchoes2001202602:35:131m253, 1m254, 1m255, 7m137, 7m139, 7m140
Verschiedene InterpretenThe Art of Sysyphus Vol. 10200110901:01:296m38
MogwaiKicking a Dead Pig: Mogwai Songs Remixed2001201201:36:228m313, 8m315, 8m316
Fleetwood MacSimply the Best2001101200:40:467m17, 7m18
StaindBreak the Cycle2001101300:50:565m231, 5m232
Pale 3The Princess and the Warrior2001101401:08:477m47, 7m48
System of a DownToxicity2001101500:44:014m169, 4m170
Howard ShoreThe Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring2001101801:11:277m127, 7m128