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The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 1 (2000)

CD-Ordner: 6m29

The Art of SysyphusThe Art of Sysyphus - Extra Vol. 2 "Woodstock"The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 1The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 2
Eclipsed SamplerThe Art of Sysyphus - Extra Vol. 2 "Woodstock"The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 1The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 2
1Tunnel VisionReach the Moon00:05:02
2KrokodilLooking at Time00:14:05
3Twilight GardensWings of the Gods00:03:57
4InesI'm Part of the River00:04:40
5GreyhavenThe Setting Sun00:05:45
6Tom NewmanSad Sing00:02:19
7XangThe Prediction00:07:03
9Bernd NoskeFortunes Told00:04:36
10Cryptic CarnageVisionary Eyes00:04:26
11Tower of Electric OnionsChainreaction00:05:30
12HippiehausSecret Blue00:09:30
12 01:17:51