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TitelAutorTitel auf AlbenAlias
Behind My CamelAndy Summers1
Be My Girl - SallyAndy Summers, Sting1
Dead End JobAndy Summers, Stewart Copeland, Sting1
DeathwishAndy Summers, Stewart Copeland, Sting1
Flexible StrategiesAndy Summers, Stewart Copeland, Sting1
FriendsAndy Summers1
How Stupid Mr. BatesAndy Summers, Stewart Copeland, Sting1
A Kind of LovingAndy Summers, Stewart Copeland, Sting1
MotherAndy Summers1
Murder by NumbersAndy Summers, Sting1
OmegamanAndy Summers1Ωmegaman
Once Upon a DaydreamAndy Summers, Sting1
Reggatta de BlancAndy Summers, Stewart Copeland, Sting1
ShambelleAndy Summers1
Someone to Talk ToAndy Summers1