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TitelAutorTitel auf AlbenAlias
That I Would Be GoodAlanis Morissette, Glen Ballard2
That Kind Of GuyKevin Kendricks, Larry Blackmon1
That Old Devil Called Love1
That Old Feeling1
That Particular TimeAlanis Morissette1
That's AllMike Rutherford, Phil Collins, Tony Banks1
That's as Far as I'll Go1
That's EntrainmentVan Morrison1
That Sinking FeelingAce, Cass, Mark Richardson, Skin1
That's Just Me1
That's MathematicsTom Lehrer1
That's MeAnthony Phillips, Mike Rutherford, Peter Gabriel, Tony Banks1
That Smell1
That's Not the Way1
That's Someone You Never ForgetElvis Presley, Red West1