| Album: German Submarines Image: 156 / 473 Date: 2010-04-07 13:43:33 Tags: Germany, Laboe, Submarines, Type VII, U 995 Dear visitor
The "Navy Memorial in Laboe" and the "Technical Museum U995" have since inception been owned by the Deutscher Marinebund e.V.
It runs both instutions exclusively with private means. Public support is not available and has never been available.
With your visit, you contribute significantly to the maintenance. Without you the presentation and depication - as you see it today - would not be possible. Because of this, the Deutscher Marinebund e.V. thanks you for coming and for your understanding in the charging of admission.
We're always thankful for donations. Donation account: Volksbank Wilhelmshaven - BLZ 282 900 63, Account 501 445
Deutscher Marinebund e.V.
The President Exposure Time: 1/800 Aperture: f/10.0 Sensitivity: 100 ISO Focal Length: 54 mm Make: Canon Model: Canon EOS 40D