Album: Katie 2011 Image: 35 / 620 File name: _mg_7833s.jpg Date: 2011-03-25 15:56:30 Tags: Tillamook Cheese Factory 40-pound blocks of delicious Tillamook cheese arrive at the packaging room after aging in the warehouse and being graded for quality. Blocks are cut into individual pieces on one of three different packaging lines and then they are packaged into convenient sizes. Each piece runs over a scale called checkweigher. Off-weight pieces are directed to the side. Underweight pieces are patched; overweight pieces are trimmed. Exposure Time: 1/60 Aperture: f/2.8 Sensitivity: 400 ISO Focal Length: 24 mm Make: Canon Model: Canon EOS 40D Owner: Ruben Schoenefeld Camera Number: 1020513498