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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Howard ShoreThe Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, the Complete Recordings2005303703:00:345m117, 5m118, 5m119, 5m120
Howard ShoreThe Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring2001101801:11:277m127, 7m128
Howard ShoreThe Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, the Complete Recordings2006304503:08:125m121, 5m122, 5m123, 5m124
Howard ShoreThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, the Complete Recordings2007405303:49:365m125, 5m126, 5m127, 5m128, 5m129
Howard ShoreTwilight: Eclipse (The Score)2010101901:01:598m91, 8m92