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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Tangerine DreamTD199610601:05:295m261, 5m262
BjörkTelegram1996101000:47:232m163, 2m164
Pete TownshendThe Best of Pete Townshend1996101501:10:2010m271, 10m272
Fiona AppleTidal1996101000:51:432m189, 2m190
Various ArtistsTonite Let's All Make Love in London ... Plus1996102401:01:572m104, 2m106
Various ArtistsTrainspotting1996101401:15:388m117, 8m118
Average White BandThe Very Best of Average White Band1996101701:18:204m251, 4m252
No-ManWild Opera1996202901:56:599m101, 9m102, 9m103
Various ArtistsThe World of Disco Fever1996202802:19:213m161, 3m163, 3m164
Various ArtistsThe World of Gospel1996203701:35:243m205, 3m206, 3m207
Various ArtistsThe World of Rock1996202601:50:003m157, 3m158, 3m159
Crash Test DummiesA Worm's Life1996101200:41:441m137, 1m138
Matchbox TwentyYourself or Someone like You1996101200:46:503m147, 3m148