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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Sarah McLachlanRarities, B-Sides, and Other Stuff1996101301:02:333m25, 3m26
Sarah McLachlanSolace1991101100:48:093m27, 3m28
Various ArtistsRock Super Stars1995101200:58:033m29, 3m30
Various ArtistsRock Super Stars 21995101401:16:183m31, 3m32
Cat StevensTea for the Tillerman1970101100:36:473m33, 3m34
Cat StevensTeaser and the Firecat1971101000:32:453m35, 3m36
Elton JohnEmpty Sky1969101300:55:153m45, 3m46
Elton JohnGoodbye Yellow Brick Road1973101701:16:213m47, 3m48
Elton JohnLove Songs1995101701:18:013m49, 3m50
Elvis PresleyLove Songs1999102001:01:443m51, 3m52
AdiemusSongs of Sanctuary199510900:54:183m53, 3m54
AdiemusAdiemus 2 - Cantata Mundi1997101501:14:333m55, 3m56
Cat StevensMona Bone Jakon1970101100:35:133m57, 3m58
Cat StevensEarly Tapes1998101400:38:323m59, 3m60
Cat StevensMorning Has Broken1997101600:44:103m61, 3m62