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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
"Weird Al" YankovicAlapalooza1993101200:44:527m75, 7m76
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin196910900:44:506m93, 6m94
Crash Test DummiesGod Shuffled His Feet1993101200:44:471m143, 1m144
GenesisRock Theatre197210600:44:463m85, 3m86
Herbert GrönemeyerSprünge1986101000:44:4610m99
KornKorn III: Remember Who You Are2010101100:44:438m189, 8m190
NirvanaIncesticide1992101500:44:427m5, 7m6
Various ArtistsOrkus Compilation XVII2004101000:44:416m209
Amon Düül IIVive La Trance1974101100:44:372m19, 2m20
Various ArtistsThe Art of Sysyphus Vol. 852016101000:44:359m303
ApocalypticaPlays Metallica by Four Cellos199610800:44:336m165, 6m166
Tom WaitsHeartattack and Vine198010900:44:321m89, 1m90
Beastie BoysLicensed to Ill1986101300:44:298m5, 8m6
Led ZeppelinPresence197610700:44:276m105, 6m106, 7m89, 7m90
ClannadMacalla1985101100:44:279m289, 9m290