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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Various ArtistsThe Thomas Crown Affair1999101200:37:507m121, 7m122
The WhoTommy1969202101:14:477m109, 7m110, 7m111
Tenacious DTenacious D2001102100:50:467m71, 7m72
Various ArtistsTo Have and to Hold2005101401:17:147m37, 7m38
Fleetwood MacTime1995101301:00:557m19, 7m20
Various ArtistsTower of Song: The Songs of Leonard Cohen1995101301:00:326m83, 6m84
Tangerine DreamTangerine Dream1999101401:08:555m263, 5m264
Tangerine DreamTD199610601:05:295m261, 5m262
Lisa LoebTails1995101300:43:555m225, 5m226
Tori AmosTalula199610500:25:195m221, 5m222
Nine Inch NailsThings Falling Apart2000101000:53:275m185, 5m186
Counting CrowsThis Desert Life1999101000:59:465m183, 5m184
Sigur RósTakk...2005101101:05:325m154
Pearl JamTen1991101100:53:185m77, 5m78
Van MorrisonToo Long in Exile1993101501:17:334m233, 4m234