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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Pink FloydAtom Heart Mother197010500:52:051m213, 1m214, 7m161, 7m162
Van MorrisonThe Philosopher's Stone1998203002:33:221m161, 1m163, 1m164
Van MorrisonA Period of Transition197710700:34:071m160, 1m162
Van MorrisonHymns to the Silence1991202101:36:021m157, 1m158, 1m159
Pink FloydA Collection of Great Dance Songs198110600:43:021m227, 1m228, 7m157, 7m158
Van MorrisonCommon One198010600:55:031m155, 1m156
Pink FloydThe Division Bell1994101101:06:301m223, 1m224, 7m153, 7m154
Van MorrisonAstral Weeks196810800:47:151m153, 1m154
StoppokHaste mal 'ne Mark1996101801:10:511m151, 1m152
Pink FloydUmmagumma1969201601:26:191m203, 1m204, 1m205, 1m206, 7m149, 7m150, 7m151, 7m152
StoppokMit Sicherheit1997101200:49:181m149, 1m150
StoppokNeues aus La-La-Land1998101500:56:431m147, 1m148
StoppokNie Genug1986101000:39:071m145, 1m146
Pink FloydMeddle197110600:46:511m217, 1m218, 7m145, 7m146
Pink FloydStranger than Fiction199510901:17:381m251, 1m252, 7m143, 7m144