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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
ColdplayParachutes2000101000:41:483m181, 3m182
Skunk AnansiePost Orgasmic Chill1999101200:50:523m189, 3m190
Skunk AnansieParanoid & Sunburnt1995101100:44:143m191, 3m192
Various ArtistsPhiladelphia1993101000:40:353m261, 3m262
Van MorrisonPoetic Champions Compose1987101100:48:084m237, 4m238
Pink FloydThe Piper at the Gates of Dawn (40th Anniversary Edition)2007303101:56:185m130, 5m131, 5m132
Nine Inch NailsPretty Hate Machine1989101000:48:475m187, 5m188
Jemma PriceThe Pretty Good Years (Tori Amos Tribute)1999101000:45:215m259, 5m260
Led ZeppelinPresence197610700:44:276m105, 6m106, 7m89, 7m90
Led ZeppelinPhysical Graffiti1975201501:22:436m113, 6m115, 6m116
ApocalypticaPlays Metallica by Four Cellos199610800:44:336m165, 6m166
Peter GabrielPassion - OST: The Last Temptation of Christ1989102101:06:587m189, 7m190
Black SabbathParanoid197010800:42:096m225, 6m226
PortisheadPortishead1997101100:50:328m7, 8m8
Various ArtistsPink Floyd and Friends - Interstellar Overdrive199610900:50:426m257, 6m258