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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Various ArtistsThe World of Gospel Vol. 21997203001:23:413m209, 3m211, 3m212
Various ArtistsThe World of Reggae1997202701:35:263m213, 3m214, 3m215
Meredith BrooksBlurring the Edges1997101200:51:113m216, 3m218
Sarah McLachlanSurfacing1997101000:41:373m13, 3m14
EnyaPaint the Sky with Stars: The Best of Enya1997101600:57:463m1, 3m2
Bob Marley and the WailersBob Marley1998101601:04:013m249, 3m250
Various ArtistsGodzilla: The Album1998101500:59:123m221, 3m222
Cat StevensEarly Tapes1998101400:38:323m59, 3m60
Rachel PortmanThe Cider House Rules1999101800:40:413m199, 3m200
QueenGreatest Hits III1999101701:13:493m67, 3m68
Macy GrayOn How Life Is1999101000:45:003m160, 3m162
No DoubtReturn of Saturn1999101501:04:283m257, 3m258
Elvis PresleyLove Songs1999102001:01:443m51, 3m52
Skunk AnansiePost Orgasmic Chill1999101200:50:523m189, 3m190
Red Hot Chili PeppersCalifornication1999101500:56:263m235, 3m236