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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Dire StraitsAlchemy1984201101:34:045m45, 5m46, 5m47
David GilmourAbout Face1984101000:45:372m235, 2m236
Various ArtistsApocalypse Now1979101500:42:534m253, 4m254
Genesis... And Then There Were Three ...1978101100:53:283m71, 3m72
Pink FloydAnimals197710500:41:401m211, 1m212
KraftwerkAutobahn197410500:42:498m215, 8m216
AerosmithAerosmith197310800:35:516m173, 6m174
Aretha FranklinAmazing Grace1972201401:26:231m5, 1m6, 1m7
Monty PythonAnother Monty Python CD197110200:53:484m199, 4m200
Jethro TullAqualung1971101701:15:184m3, 4m4
SantanaAbraxas197010900:37:257m99, 7m100
Pink FloydAtom Heart Mother197010500:52:051m213, 1m214, 7m161, 7m162
The BeatlesAbbey Road1969101700:45:164m16, 4m18
Van MorrisonAstral Weeks196810800:47:151m153, 1m154
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of InventionAbsolutely Free1967101500:43:4312m173, 12m174