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The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 84 (2015)

CD Folder: 9m301

The Art of SysyphusThe Art of Sysyphus Vol. 83The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 84The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 85
Eclipsed SamplerThe Art of Sysyphus Vol. 83The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 84The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 85
1AvatariumGirl with the Raven Mask00:04:10
2Anna von HausswolffEvocation00:03:03
3AntimatterBlack Eyed Man00:06:16
4The Men from S.P.E.C.T.R.E.Dive into the Mathmos00:04:38
5Sun and the Wolf87 Years00:04:49
6CaspianArcs of Command00:08:48
7TeramazeFor the Innocent00:04:55
8TShades of Silver (The Art of Double Binding, Pt. 2)
9EurekaAnimated World00:04:00
10EchoesComfortably Numb
Live & Acoustic
00:08:01David Gilmour, Roger Waters
10 00:54:38