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The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 97 (2018)

CD Folder: 10m120

The Art of SysyphusThe Art of Sysyphus Vol. 96The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 97The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 98
Eclipsed SamplerThe Art of Sysyphus Vol. 96The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 97The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 98
1KinoI Won't Break So Easily Anymore00:05:26
2Blackberry SmokeFlesh and Bone00:04:31
3Malina MoyeA Little Rough00:05:34
4SammalHerran Pelko00:04:45
5PhiChildren of the Rain (edit)00:06:46
6StarsaboutMillion Light Years00:08:38
7VvlvaBlack Sands00:07:32
8TrailNo. 800:09:19
9Thulsa DoomEloquent Profanity00:05:00
10VantommeEqual Minds00:09:59
10 01:07:30