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Led Zeppelin - In Through the Out Door (1978)

CD Folder: 6m103, 6m104, 7m87, 7m88

1Led ZeppelinIn the Evening00:06:51Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, Robert Plant
2Led ZeppelinSouth Bound Saurez00:04:14John Paul Jones, Robert Plant
3Led ZeppelinFool in the Rain00:06:13Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, Robert Plant
4Led ZeppelinHot Dog00:03:17Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
5Led ZeppelinCarouselambra00:10:34Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, Robert Plant
6Led ZeppelinAll My Love00:05:56Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones
7Led ZeppelinI'm Gonna Crawl00:05:30Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, Robert Plant
7 00:42:35