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The Claymore Pipes & Drums - Highlands - The Best of Scotland (1997)

CD Folder: 2m5, 2m6

1The Claymore Pipes & DrumsScotland the Brave00:02:25
2The Claymore Pipes & DrumsMull of Kintyre00:02:44Denny Laine, Paul McCartney
3The Claymore Pipes & DrumsBattle of the Somme00:01:19
4The Claymore Pipes & DrumsDollans Melody00:03:36
5The Claymore Pipes & DrumsMexican Hat Dance00:02:28Jesús González Rubio
6The Claymore Pipes & DrumsAmazing Grace00:03:20John Newton
7The Claymore Pipes & DrumsPipe Set00:02:26
8The Claymore Pipes & DrumsGather Together00:02:13
9The Claymore Pipes & DrumsPipe Medley00:03:40
10The Claymore Pipes & DrumsHere Comes the Sun00:02:12George Harrison
11The Claymore Pipes & DrumsCock o' the North00:01:40Traditional
12The Claymore Pipes & DrumsTales of Shyn00:02:01
13The Claymore Pipes & DrumsGreen Hills of Tyrol00:02:35Traditional
14The Claymore Pipes & DrumsHighland Cathedral00:03:41Michael Korb, Ulrich Roever
15The Claymore Pipes & DrumsMy Home in the Hills00:03:51
15 00:40:11