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TitleAuthorTracks on AlbumsAlias
Honey PieJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney1
How Many PeoplePaul McCartney1
I Am the WalrusJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney2
I'm Looking through YouJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney1
I'm Only SleepingJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney1
I'm So TiredJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney1
In My LifeJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney1
It's Only LoveJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney1
I've Got a FeelingJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney1
I've Just Seen a FaceJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney1
I Want You (She's so Heavy)John Lennon, Paul McCartney1
I WillJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney2
JuliaJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney1
Let It BeJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney2
Live and Let DieLinda McCartney, Paul McCartney2