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TitleAuthorTracks on AlbumsAlias
Chapter 3: Drilling and KillingAmy Goodman1
Chapter 4: CrackdownAmy Goodman1
Chapter 4: Don't Take My FatherAmy Goodman1
Chapter 4: Hero or Terrorist?Amy Goodman1
Chapter 4: JailbaitAmy Goodman1
Chapter 4: No Laws ApplyAmy Goodman1
Chapter 4: RoundupAmy Goodman1
Chapter 5: A Crackdown SamplerAmy Goodman1
Chapter 5: A Voice of ConscienceAmy Goodman1
Chapter 5: Could It Happen Here?Amy Goodman1
Chapter 5: Librarians as Freedom FightersAmy Goodman1
Chapter 5: Patriot GamesAmy Goodman1
Chapter 5: SmackdownAmy Goodman1
Chapter 5: The Four R'sAmy Goodman1
Chapter 5: Total Information AwarenessAmy Goodman1