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TitleAuthorTracks on AlbumsAlias
The Road to IsengardHoward Shore1
Rock and PoolHoward Shore1
Roots and BeginningsHoward Shore1
RosalieHoward Shore1
The Sacrifice of FaramirHoward Shore1
Saruman the WhiteHoward Shore1
The Shadow of the PastHoward Shore1
Shelob's LairHoward Shore1
Shelob the GreatHoward Shore1
Shieldmaiden of RohanHoward Shore1
The ShireHoward Shore1
A Shortcut to MushroomsHoward Shore1
The Siege of GondorHoward Shore1
Sons of the StewardHoward Shore1
The Stairs of Cirith UngolHoward Shore1