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TitleAuthorTracks on AlbumsAlias
Back 2 Good1
Back and ForthBjörn Gerhard, Peter Musebrink1
Back and ForthKevin Kendricks, Larry Blackmon, Nathan Leftenant, Tomi Jenkins1
Back Door ManSarah McLachlan1
Back Door Man1
Back for GoodGary Barlow1
Back from My Trip1
Back from the Past2
Back in N.Y.C.Mike Rutherford, Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, Steve Hackett, Tony Banks1
Back in the CrowdKathleen Brennan, Tom Waits1
Back in the Days II1
Back in the GroundJoel J. Richard, Tyler Bates1
Back in the Saddle Again1
Back in the USSRJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney2
Back on EarthRichard Supa, Taylor Rhodes1