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TitleAuthorTracks on AlbumsAlias
Half Mast1
Half the Man1
Half the MountainBryan Josh1
Half TimeMogwai1
Halfway across the Atlantic Ocean1
Halfway to Freedom1
Halfway to YouCoastal, Jason Gough1
HallelujahLeonard Cohen2
Halling Fra ElverumTraditional1
The Hall of MirrorsEmil Schult, Florian Schneider, Ralf Hütter1
Hall of the Mountain KingEdvard Grieg3In der Halle des Bergkönigs, Peer Gynt: Hall of the Mountain King, Peer Gynt: In der Halle des Bergkönigs
HallogalloSteven Wilson1
Hallo, was machst du heut', Daisy?1
Hallo, was macht'n ihrHerbert Grönemeyer, Werner Bohl1