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2007-09-03 11:11:18 ** Seattle ** Dalton Trail

Jack Dalton, a long-time Alaska frontiersman, expanded on a traditional Tlingit trade route into the interior. Dalton charged a toll for use of the trail and advertised it as an easy trek for livestock. Because of the stampeders' heavy usage, however, the Dalton Trail, like the White Pass Trail, soon became a rocky, muddy mess in which livestock were easily mired.

The trail began at Haines Mission, slightly southwest of Skagway. It followed the Chilkat River before crossing the mountains at Fort Selkirk, 125 miles upriver of Dawson.

Album: Seattle, Washington 2007
Image: 481 / 545
Date: 2007-09-03 11:11:18
Tags: Seattle

Dalton Trail

Jack Dalton, a long-time Alaska frontiersman, expanded on a traditional Tlingit trade route into the interior. Dalton charged a toll for use of the trail and advertised it as an easy trek for livestock. Because of the stampeders' heavy usage, however, the Dalton Trail, like the White Pass Trail, soon became a rocky, muddy mess in which livestock were easily mired.

The trail began at Haines Mission, slightly southwest of Skagway. It followed the Chilkat River before crossing the mountains at Fort Selkirk, 125 miles upriver of Dawson.

Exposure Time: 0.033 s (1/30)
Aperture: f/3.5
Sensitivity: 100 ISO
Focal Length: 28 mm
Make: Canon
Owner: Ruben Schoenefeld
Camera Number: 1560516904
Image Number: 1929279

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