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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Nine Inch NailsThe Day the World Went Away199910300:15:4710m186
IQDark Matter200410500:52:189m119, 9m120
Steven WilsonDrive Home201311700:50:409m168, 11m46
David GilmourDavid Gilmour197810900:46:182m233, 2m234, 7m159, 7m160
Pink FloydDark Side of the Moon197310900:42:541m215, 1m216
Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet BandThe Distance198210900:41:283m151, 3m152
Dire StraitsDire Straits197810900:41:544m213, 4m214
Porcupine TreeDeadwing2005101001:09:407m251, 7m252
Type O NegativeDead Again2007111001:17:339m281, 9m282, 11m50
Ásgeir TraustiDýrð Í Dauðaþögn2012101000:39:2710m63, 10m64
Beth Hart
Joe Bonamassa
Don't Explain2011101000:50:5412m85, 12m86
DeftonesDeftones2003101100:47:084m69, 4m70
Pink FloydThe Division Bell1994101101:06:301m223, 1m224, 7m153, 7m154
PortisheadDummy1994101100:49:157m165, 7m166
Suzanne VegaDays of Open Hand1990101100:45:496m249, 6m250