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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
OrgyPunk Statik Paranoia200410900:37:369m99, 9m100
MúmPlease Smile My Noise Bleed200110900:45:498m115, 8m116
Manu ChaoPróxima Estación: Esperanza2001101700:45:408m239, 8m240
Pale 3The Princess and the Warrior2001101401:08:477m47, 7m48
ColdplayParachutes2000101000:41:483m181, 3m182
Pink FloydP.U.London.S.E.2000202502:24:041m257, 1m259, 1m260
MobyPlay: The B-Sides2000101101:00:377m112, 7m114
Skunk AnansiePost Orgasmic Chill1999101200:50:523m189, 3m190
Jemma PriceThe Pretty Good Years (Tori Amos Tribute)1999101000:45:215m259, 5m260
HawkwindThe Pink Floyd Encyclopedia199810200:11:285m49
Van MorrisonThe Philosopher's Stone1998203002:33:221m161, 1m163, 1m164
PortisheadPortishead1997101100:50:328m7, 8m8
Nine Inch NailsThe Perfect Drug199710500:34:327m218
EnyaPaint the Sky with Stars: The Best of Enya1997101600:57:463m1, 3m2
Lighthouse FamilyPostcards from Heaven1997101000:47:203m208, 3m210