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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Tori AmosProfessional Widow199610700:40:208m55, 8m56
ApocalypticaPlays Metallica by Four Cellos199610800:44:336m165, 6m166
Various ArtistsPink Floyd and Friends - Interstellar Overdrive199610900:50:426m257, 6m258
BjörkPost1995101100:46:012m159, 2m160
Pink FloydPulse1995202402:27:561m237, 1m238, 1m239, 5m110
Skunk AnansieParanoid & Sunburnt1995101100:44:143m191, 3m192
JewelPieces of You1994101400:58:542m135, 2m136
Various ArtistsPhiladelphia1993101000:40:353m261, 3m262
Loreena McKennittParallel Dreams198910800:43:342m145, 2m146
Nine Inch NailsPretty Hate Machine1989101000:48:475m187, 5m188
Peter GabrielPassion - OST: The Last Temptation of Christ1989102101:06:587m189, 7m190
Van MorrisonPoetic Champions Compose1987101100:48:084m237, 4m238
Various ArtistsPipes and Drums of Scotland1987101801:08:267m77, 7m78
Roger WatersThe Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking1984101200:42:152m255, 2m256
Peter GabrielPeter Gabriel 4198210800:46:0910m45, 10m46