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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Van MorrisonPay the Devil2006101500:49:048m53, 8m54
Pearl JamPearl Jam2006101300:49:415m147, 5m148
MúmThe Peel Session200610400:21:158m113
AutumnblazePerdition Diaries2009101000:41:4510m135, 10m136
Nine Inch NailsThe Perfect Drug199710500:34:327m218
Van MorrisonA Period of Transition197710700:34:071m160, 1m162
Peter GabrielPeter Gabriel 1: Car197710900:41:409m297, 9m298
Peter GabrielPeter Gabriel 2: Scratch1978101100:42:2410m43, 10m44
Peter GabrielPeter Gabriel 3: Melt1980101000:45:409m15, 9m16
Peter GabrielPeter Gabriel 4198210800:46:0910m45, 10m46
Amon Düül IIPhallus Dei196910500:41:412m9, 2m10
Various ArtistsPhiladelphia1993101000:40:353m261, 3m262
Van MorrisonThe Philosopher's Stone1998203002:33:221m161, 1m163, 1m164
Led ZeppelinPhysical Graffiti1975201501:22:436m113, 6m115, 6m116
Pickin' on SeriesPickin' on Pink Floyd: A Bluegrass Tribute2005101200:51:507m163, 7m164