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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Dire StraitsMaking Movies198010700:38:314m219, 4m220
Lenny KravitzMama Said1991101400:52:594m143, 4m144
Billie HolidayThe Man I Love2004102101:04:214m89, 4m91, 4m92
KraftwerkThe Man-Machine197810600:36:188m211, 8m212
Trenton McKeanMany Shades2010101100:47:508m214
Loreena McKennittThe Mask and Mirror199410800:52:472m141, 2m142
Black SabbathMaster of Reality197110800:34:296m233, 6m234
Monty PythonMatching Tie and Handkerchief200210200:41:204m205, 4m206
Various ArtistsThe Matrix1999101301:02:361m67, 1m68
Tracy ChapmanMatters of the Heart1992101000:43:533m127, 3m128
TrickyMaxinquaye1995101200:57:149m45, 9m46
Monty PythonThe Meaning of Life1983101000:53:203m149, 3m150
TeslaMechanical Resonance1986101200:53:517m103, 7m104
Pink FloydMeddle197110600:46:511m217, 1m218, 7m145, 7m146
Sigur RósMeð Suð Í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust2008101100:55:395m252