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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Nusrat Fateh Ali KhanShahen-Shah198910601:11:089m71, 9m72
Ike & Tina TurnerShake1991101300:40:153m95, 3m96
Frank ZappaSheik Yerbouti1979101801:11:4812m179, 12m180
EnyaShepherd Moons1991101200:43:553m11, 3m12
Sarah McLachlanShine On2014101100:41:139m203, 9m204
Collapse under the EmpireShoulders & Giants2011101000:54:379m227
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Orchestra at Temple Square
Showtime! Music of Broadway and Hollywood2007101501:01:019m78
Mumford & SonsSigh No More2009101200:48:418m221, 8m222
Porcupine TreeSignify1996101201:02:041m131, 1m132
Porcupine TreeSignify (Special Edition)2007202101:39:419m237, 9m238
Tori AmosSilent All These Years199610200:09:437m201
Collapse under the EmpireThe Silent Cry201310600:23:369m231, 9m232
Fleetwood MacSimply the Best2001101200:40:467m17, 7m18
Nine Inch NailsSin199010400:19:2910m180