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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
QueenGreatest Hits I1981101700:57:543m63, 3m64
Men at WorkBusiness as Usual1981101000:38:373m107, 3m108
Barclay James HarvestTurn of the Tide1981101000:48:311m61, 1m62
Pink FloydA Collection of Great Dance Songs198110600:43:021m227, 1m228, 7m157, 7m158
Van MorrisonBeautiful Vision1982101000:45:061m177, 1m178
Led ZeppelinCoda198210800:33:026m107, 6m108
Black SabbathLive Evil1982101401:19:596m227, 6m228
Dire StraitsLove over Gold198210500:41:124m223, 4m224
Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet BandThe Distance198210900:41:283m151, 3m152
Herbert GrönemeyerTotal Egal1982101000:38:1510m96
Barclay James HarvestBerlin - A Concert for the People198210900:51:511m47, 1m48
YazooUpstairs at Eric's1982101300:51:535m11, 5m12
Peter GabrielPeter Gabriel 4198210800:46:0910m45, 10m46
Van MorrisonInarticulate Speech of the Heart1983101100:47:341m187, 1m188
IQTales from the Lush Attic198310600:56:199m257, 9m258