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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Urge OverkillThe Supersonic Storybook199110900:39:006m69, 6m70
Type O NegativeSlow, Deep and Hard199110700:58:399m251, 9m252
Camille Saint-Saëns
George Gershwin
Music for the Millions Vol. 26: Gershwin, Saint-Saëns199110501:11:236m181, 6m182
Pearl JamTen1991101100:53:185m77, 5m78
Tom WaitsThe Early Years, Vol. 11991101300:43:335m173
Georg Friedrich HändelMusic for the Millions Vol. 28: Händel1991101501:03:426m183, 6m184
Ike & Tina TurnerShake1991101300:40:153m95, 3m96
EnyaShepherd Moons1991101200:43:553m11, 3m12
Sarah McLachlanSolace1991101100:48:093m27, 3m28
Anton Nanut
Ljubljana Radio Symphony Orchestra
Music for the Millions Vol. 29: Mahler199110501:03:186m185, 6m186
Kurt BestorAn Airus Christmas II1991101000:40:157m85, 7m86
Van MorrisonBang Masters1991101701:15:131m175, 1m176
Porcupine TreeOn the Sunday of Life1991101801:15:556m125, 6m126
Lenny KravitzMama Said1991101400:52:594m143, 4m144
Tori AmosCrucify199110500:21:322m221, 2m222