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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Traveling WilburysTraveling Wilburys Vol. 31990101300:42:169m59, 9m60
Johann Sebastian BachMusic for the Millions Vol. 21: Bach1990101201:00:065m61, 5m62
Roger WatersThe Wall Live in Berlin1990202501:44:432m241, 2m243, 2m244
Kius BandThe Fuckin' Kius Band1990101300:56:233m117, 3m118
Franz LisztMusic for the Millions Vol. 12: Liszt199010601:11:185m57, 5m58
Herbert GrönemeyerLuxus1990101301:06:2110m101
Nine Inch NailsSin199010400:19:2910m180
Laid BackHole in the Sky1990101000:44:014m261, 4m262
Celine DionFor You1990101400:49:555m53, 5m54
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartMusic for the Millions Vol. 14: Mozart1990102101:02:075m59, 5m60
Phil CollinsSerious Hits ... Live!1990101501:16:513m231, 3m232
Sonny & CherThe Beat Goes On1991102101:08:592m65, 2m66
Massive AttackBlue Lines199110900:45:108m281, 8m282
NirvanaNevermind1991101300:49:227m3, 7m4
Ike & Tina TurnerShake1991101300:40:153m95, 3m96