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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Nusrat Fateh Ali KhanShahen-Shah198910601:11:089m71, 9m72
Tom WaitsOn the Line in '891989202302:07:1410m277, 10m278, 10m279
Guns N' RosesG N' R Lies198910800:33:336m81, 6m82
Barclay James HarvestWelcome to the Show1989101200:58:141m63, 1m64
Loreena McKennittParallel Dreams198910800:43:342m145, 2m146
Gerhard WinklerSo Wird's Nie Wieder Sein1989202801:24:122m101, 2m102, 2m103
NirvanaBleach1989101300:42:437m1, 7m2
Tríó Guðmundar Ingólfssonar
Gling-Gló1990101600:52:005m223, 5m224
Sinéad O'ConnorI Do Not Want What I Haven't Got1990101000:51:131m27, 1m28
Franz LisztMusic for the Millions Vol. 12: Liszt199010601:11:185m57, 5m58
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartMusic for the Millions Vol. 14: Mozart1990102101:02:075m59, 5m60
Johann Sebastian BachMusic for the Millions Vol. 21: Bach1990101201:00:065m61, 5m62
Nusrat Fateh Ali KhanMustt Mustt1990101100:50:215m167, 5m168
Laid BackHole in the Sky1990101000:44:014m261, 4m262
Roger WatersThe Wall Live in Berlin1990202501:44:432m241, 2m243, 2m244