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AllWith DVD

ArtistAlbumAscendingDescendingYearAscendingDescendingCDsAscendingDescendingDVDsAscendingDescendingTracksAscendingDescendingTimeAscendingDescendingCD FolderAscendingDescending
Black SabbathParanoid197010800:42:096m225, 6m226
Amon Düül IIYeti1970101301:07:569m37, 9m38
Iron ButterflyLive197010600:38:522m199, 2m200
Simon & GarfunkelBridge over Troubled Water1970101100:37:254m189, 4m190
SantanaAbraxas197010900:37:257m99, 7m100
The BeatlesLet It Be1970101200:35:044m75, 4m76
GenesisTrespass197010600:42:433m75, 3m76
Van MorrisonMoondance1970101000:39:164m243, 4m244
Black SabbathBlack Sabbath197010800:42:586m229, 6m230
Syd BarrettBarrett1970101200:38:408m45, 8m46
Cat StevensMona Bone Jakon1970101100:35:133m57, 3m58
Canned Heat
John Lee Hooker
The Best of Canned Heat & John Lee Hooker1970101000:55:582m137, 2m138
Roger Waters
Ron Geesin
Music from the Body1970102200:41:282m240, 2m242
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin III1970101000:43:016m97, 6m98
Syd BarrettThe Madcap Laughs1970101300:37:568m47, 8m48